Episode 13 Zone
New goddess zemyna statues: 2 (+2 stat points).
Map Fame daily quest exchange shop - Orsha
Map 1 (lemprasa) Lada card (healer / support)
Map 2 Saule card (AoE DPS - all)
Map 3 Austeja card (physical boss DPS)
Map 4 Dalia card (magic circle DPS)
Map 5 (kartas forest) Vakarine card (physical shield DPS)
Level Rewards
Level 450: already ahve +3 skillpoints & +100 stat
451: +10 stat
452: +10 stat
453: +10 stat
454: +10 stat
455: +10 stat & +1 skillpoint
456: +10 stat
457: +10 stat
458: +10 stat
459: +10 stat
460: +10 stat & +2 skillpoints
Total after Episode 13 (no quest reward & no statue): +200 stat & +6 skillpoints
Beast |
Plant |
Mutant |
Demon |
Insect |
HP |
100 |
120 |
80 |
100 |
80 |
Attack % |
130 |
100 |
80 |
70 |
120 |
Attack % |
70 |
100 |
80 |
130 |
120 |
% |
120 |
100 |
130 |
80 |
90 |
DEF % |
80 |
100 |
130 |
120 |
90 |
% |
100 |
180 |
100 |
100 |
70 |
% |
100 |
0 |
100 |
100 |
140 |
% |
100 |
110 |
60 |
100 |
70 |
Break % |
100 |
90 |
140 |
100 |
120 |
Rate % |
120 |
50 |
100 |
120 |
130 |
DEF % |
80 |
150 |
100 |
80 |
70 |
Critical damage modifier (normal boost vs
final damage)
Normal critical damage without boost: 1000 damage = 1000 x 150% = 1500 damage
Normal boost example: damage 1000 & normal crit boost 50% = 1000 x (150% + 50%) = 2000 damage
Final damage boost example: damage 1000 & final crit boost 50% = 1000 x 150% x 150% = 2250 damage
Class + critical modifier |
Normal boost (critical) |
Final boost (critical) |
Value at max level No skillgem No divine might No item effects |
(critical shot) |
O |
50% |
(sniper's serenity) |
O |
50% |
Fencer (epee
garde) |
O |
20% (32%) |
Blader (start up) |
O |
100% |
(sharp spear) |
O |
20% (32%) |
(dragontooth) |
O |
10% |
(zalciai) |
O |
30% (48%) |
(sterea troph) |
O |
70% (112%) 20% (32%) |
(prana) |
O |
30% |
(blind faith attribute) |
O |
50% (self) 15% (allies) |
(blindfire attribute) |
O |
30% |
(hasisas) |
O |
30% (48%) |
Enchant jewel & awakening:
Enchant jewel, DPS:
Gabia Holy Flame goddess caster set, per item:
CON 63
Critical rate 302
Critical attack 604
Boss damage 277
Special effect: casting skills, full cast = +60% damage,
-5% damage during casting.
-5% cooldown for casting skills.
Fake-casting skills (no need for full cast), get +45% damage
Casting skills (Gabija set):
Highlander: catar stroke
Dragoon: dragontooth Art version
Lancer: joust Art version
Doppel: vaivora doppel sword Punish
Cryomancer: snow rolling, frost pillar, ice blast attribute
Elementalist: electrocute, hail, meteor, lightning orb, elemental burst
Warlock: demon scratch
Runecaster: rune of earth spike, rune of ice, rune of destruction, rune of justice, rune of rock, spinning rune
Onmyoji: greenwood, white tiger, water shikigami, toyou
Terramancer: implosion, horned golem
Sapper: punji stake
Ranger: spiral arrow Art version
Cannoneer: siege burst
Paladin: demolition
Kabbalist: merkabah
Exorcist: katadikazo
Casting skills with interrupt/not fully charged (Gabija set):
Wizard: energy bolt
Pyromancer: fireball
Cryomancer: ice bolt
Alchemist: alchemist missile
Sage: dimension compression
Taoist: divine punishment
Terramancer: sandblast
Sheriff: aiming shot
Quarrel shooter: rapid fire
Mergen: homing arrow
Tiger hunter: piercing shot
Monk: energy blast
Dalia Infinite blessing goddess channel
set, per item:
CON 63
Critical rate 302
Critical attack 604
Boss damage 277
Special effect: channel skills, +120% damage.
-5% damage during channel.
-5% cooldown for channel skills.
Channel skills (Dalia set):
Hoplite: stabbing
Barbarian: pouncing
Rodelero: slithering
Cataphract: rush
Highlander: skyliner
Pyromancer: hell breath
Psychokino: psychic pressure, gravity pole
Featherfoot: bloodsucking, kurdaitcha
Onmyoji: ying yang harmony
Terramancer: rolling stone
Runecaster: rune of justice Art version, rune blast
Arbalester: shining burst
Mergen: downfall Art version
Fletcher: explosive arrow (divine machine)
Arquebusier: precision fire
Inquisitor: breast ripper
Exorcist: rubric
Crusader: sacred
Monk: double punch
Sadhu: possession
Arditi: taglio
Sheriff: fanning
Clown: fatal roulette
Bakarine Midnight baptism goddess shield
set, per item:
STR 91
CON 63
Critical rate 302
Physical critical attack 604
Block 302
Boss damage 277
Special effect: shield skill damage +30%,
Special effect 2: after blocking, shield skill damage +90% (total +120%).
-5% cooldown for shield skills.
Shield skills:
Pelta: rim blow, shield lob, langort
Rode: all skills except montano
Murmillo: all skills except headbutt
Austeja goddess healing set, per item:
CON 70
SPR 91
SP 616
Critical resist 265
SP recovery 92
Block 265
Special effect: healing +7.5%, SOS healing +35%, movespeed +1.
Giburynas Overlord demon set, per item:
CON 63
Critical rate 302
Critical attack 604
Boss damage 277
Special effect: when you deal damage, activate 30s buff (50s cooldown). Cooldown cannot be changed.
Buff: you deal +40% damage (all skills).
Level 4 vaivora stats & special effects
Sword - rodelero
STR 147
All stats 32
Critical rate 478
Plate damage 1200
Rodelero skills +1
Montano skill +2
Special effect vaivora level 1: montano deals +1 hit vs 20 enemies (big range, strike damage)
Special effect vaivora level 2: shooting star gets +35% damage from shield (total: +65% from shield)
Sword - Hackapell
STR 147
All stats 32
Critical rate 593
Slash damage 1200
Hackapell skills +1
effect vaivora level 1: hakka pelle duration +5s, skarp & grind damage +100%.
Vaivora level 4: infinite assault cooldown -5s, infinite assault = character
stops in front of the enemy, after
infinite assault: auto-cast skarp (1x) & grind cutter (1x) (no overheat
cost, no sp cost)
Sword - Nak Muay
STR 198
all stat 32
critical rate 638
nak muay skills +1
Vaivora level 1: nak muay skill x1 = +1 Pajakhaolun stack (30s, max 8). At 8 stacks: use normal attack to deal 10 Strike-hits (AoE = 30).
Damage per hit = (Khao loi % + sok chiang % + te kha % + te trong %)/10.
animation: you receive -70% damage & have knock immunity.
Vaivora level 4: skill factor x1.3 for Te Kha, Sok chiang, tre trong (not khao
Sword - attack all
STR, INT 198
All stats 32
critical rate 638
Accuracy 638
Damage vs plant, beast, devil, mutant, insect 2070
Big sword - Blossom
STR 260
All stat 32
critical rate 890
Physical critical attack 2080
blossom skill +2
slash cooldown -15s
Vaivora level 1: blossom slash hits +4 enemies
Vaivora level 4: control blade final damage +100%
Big sword - doppel
str 269
all stat 32
physical crit attack 1873
slash damage 1790
punish +3
Vaivo 1: punish cooldown +10s (=20s cooldown), and punish becomes a 1.5s casting skill: deal 5 hits, max 30 targets (slash damage, and can be used vs enemies which are not knocked down).
Vaivo 4: zwerchhau final damage +100%
Big sword - highlander
STR 260
CON 145
All stat 32
accuracy 890
block 890
kata stroke +3
skyliner +2
Vaivo level 1: use crossguard = get 3s buff. Immune vs debuff during buff. Block during buff = teleport to enemy and use big slash (same as kata stroke). Doesn't work vs magic circle or area-damage-over-time attacks.
Vaivo level 4: moulinet final damage +100%
Dagger - rangda
STR 180
all stat 32
accuracy 520
dodge 575
luka +3
keletihan +2
Vaivo level 1: luka applies x4 keletihan stacks, luka applies extra debuff: luka '2'. Luka 2: deals luka % damage every 1s (10s duration).
Vaivo level 4: kutukan final damage +100%
Dagger - shinobi
str 180
all stat 32
critical rate 593
physical critical attack 1548
bunshin +1
Vaivo level 1: summon immortal clone which copies shinobi skills
Vaivo level 4: kunai final damage +100%
Dagger - ardito
str 180
all stat 32
Physical crit attack 1394
Strike damage 1200
granata +3
granata AoE +10
Vaivo 1: during taglio, throw bombs every 0.25s (granata% x 0.25 damage, and half vs boss).
Vaivo 4: taglio final damage +100%
Dagger - rogue
str 180
all stat 32
critical rate 600
pierce damage 1205
rogue skill +1
Vaivo 1: get buff after knife throwing (10s): use normal attack to throw up to 3 more knives (knife throwing % x 0.6 damage per hit). After you throw the last dagger, get buff: +30% damage.
Vaivo 4: backstab final damage +100%
Dagger - clown
str 180
all stat 32
critical rate 593
physical crit attack 1548
clown skills +1
Vaivo 1: after climax, throw extra daggers after pocket knife (1 pocket knife = 1 extra dagger, damage: climax total % x 0.25 per dagger, max 10 daggers, max 10 targets).
Vaivo 2: fatal roulette final damage +100%
Dagger - attack all
str, int 198
all stat 32
critical rate 638
accuracy 638
Damage vs plant, beast, devil, mutant, insect 2070
Spear - retiarius
str 176
all stat 32
physical crit attack 1664
attack vs leather 1185
retiarius skill +1
Vaivo 1: first overheat of trident finish: apply level 7 rete debuff.
Vaivo level 4: blandir cadena cooldown -25s
Spear - hoplite
str 171
all stat 32
critical rate 600
pierce damage 1198
hoplite skills +1
spear throw skill +2
Vaivo 1: unmounted spear throw = get buff (10s): normal attacks will throw spears (single target, spear throw% x 0.5 damage per hit).
Vaivo 4: stabbing final damage +100%
Big spear - dragoon
str 268
all stat 32
critical rate 895
boss damage 1755
dragoon skills +1
Vaivo 1: dragoon helmet ON = +40% damage vs boss & large. Dethrone extra debuff vs boss: boss deals -15% damage (5s).
Vaivo 4: dragon fall deals +4 hits (dragon fall% x 0.4 per hit, max 10 targets).
Big spear - lancer
str 264
all stat 32
critical rate 900
damage vs medium 1800
quintain +3
Vaivo 1: auto-cast quintain after crush (no overheat cost, no sp cost).
Vaivo 4: joust cooldown -10s, joust deals +1 hit (joust% x 0.5 damage, max 10 targets).
Big spear - cata
AoE +5
str 260
all stat 32
physical crit attack 2081
movespeed +3
cata skills +1
Rush skill size & range +100%
Vaivo 1: after Rush finishes, deal x2 extra hits (24'000% per hit, AoE = 20). Extra hits are not affected by casting buff or channel buffs.
Vaivo 4: doom spike final damage +100%
Rapier - fencer
str 160
all stat 32
critical rate 593
pierce damage 1198
fencer skills +1
Vaivo 1: sept etoiles cooldown -5s, fleche cooldown -10s.
Vaivo 4: balestra fente deals +10 hits (balestra% x 0.1 per hit, max 10 targets)
Rapier - matador
str 160
all stat 32
critical rate 598
physical crit attack 1488
Ole cooldown -10s
capote cooldown -10s
Vaivo 1: apply aura (5s, max 3 stacks) after Ole or Capote: aura applies debuff vs Bosses when they attack (= -1 aura stack).
Debuff: -4 movespeed for boss, you take -12% damage from boss, and deals damage per 1s (paso doble% x 0.2 damage per 1s, 10s duration, max 3 stacks).
Vaivo 4: faena final damage +100%
Vaivora shield - anti
CON 158
all stat 32
critical resist 660
block 660
resist vs medium 2070
max block +2%
Vaivo 1: give buff to nearby partymembers: -10% damage from magic circle & damage-over-time-area skills, -10% damage from 'devil or insect'.
After you block: buff's effects are x2 (3s duration).
Vaivo 4: none
Vaivora shield - attack all
STR, INT 198
All stats 32
critical rate 638
Accuracy 638
Damage vs plant, beast, devil, mutant, insect 2070
Bow - fletcher
AoE +3
str 264
all stat 32
critical rate 883
barbed arrow +3
bodkin +3
barbed arrow damage +100%
Vaivo 1: barbed arrow's critical rate x1.3, barbed arrow always deals 5 hits (vs all enemies).
Vaivo 4: bodkin point deals +1 hit (bodkin% x 0.5 damage, 1 target): applies 10s fire (burn) debuff. Bodkin burn debuff: (bodkin% x 0.15) damage per 1s.
Bow - mergen
AoE +3
str 264
all stat 32
attack vs plant 1790
attack vs mutant 1790
arrow rain +2
arrow rain cooldown -20s
Vaivo 1: arrow rain deals 6 extra hits (20 enemies)
Vaivo 4: spread shot cooldown -10s
Crossbow - arbalester
str 164
all stat 32
attack vs medium 1198
guided shot +3
Vaivo 1: after guided shot vs enemy: apply debuff (5s). Debuff: 20% chance to shoot x2 extra arrows during crossbow-skills (extra arrow = homing arrow).
Vaivo 4: dead zone deals x2 hits.
Crossbow - quarrel shooter
str 180
all stat 32
critical rate 598
physical crit attack 1355
quarrel skills +1
Vaivo 1: new skill added = explosive cluster shot: 1s casting, cooldown 15s, targets: 30, damage: teardown% x 1.5 (needs level 1 teardown skill).
Vaivo 4: block and shoot skill deals x2 hits ( = 20 hits instead of 10).
Cannon - cannon
AoE +3
maximum attack +2154
str 269
all stat 32
cannon shot +3
explosion (matross) +3
Vaivo 1: gain 3s buff after 'cannon blast, cannon barrage, explosion': knock immunity, -30% damage received, and 'cannon shot' deals +100% damage.
Vaivo 4: vs enemies inside 'smoke grenade': apply airburst (1 hit, AoE 20) after each cannon skill. Airbust damage = same as cannon shot %.
Cannon - matross
str 270
all stat 32
critical rate 895
physical crit attack 2081
explosion +3
Vaivo 1: explosion skill deals +5 hits vs 1 target (per hit: explosion% x 0.3 damage).
Vaivo 4: crouching strike cooldown -5s
Musket - arquebusier
str 266
all stat 32
critical rate 895
accuracy 900
arquebusier skills +1
Vaivo 1: precision fire deals x2 hits (10 hits instead of 5), and 'clean hit buff' can go to 10 stacks (instead of 5 stacks max).
Vaivo 4: pinpoint fire final damage +100%
Musket - tiger hunter
AoE +3
str 269
all stat 32
critical rate 895
tiger skills +1
Piercing shot cooldown -10s
Piercing shot AoE +10
Piercing shot size & range +100%
Vaivo 1: rapid fire splashes damage: hits +10 enemies
Vaivo 4: rapid fire cooldown -10s
Musket - musket
Max attack +1240
str 240
all stat 32
block break 900
headshot +3
snipe +1
Vaivo 1: snipe deals bonus damage: (your block break - enemy's block) x 0.1% bonus damage, max +100%.
Vaivo 4: during sniper serenity: move 2s to get 'invisible buff (2s)', and get -2s cooldown for headshot & snipe.
Pistol - sheriff
str 172
all stat 32
critical rate 598
physical crit attack 1634
sheriff skills +1
Westraid cooldown -25s
Vaivo 1: get 3x stack every 5s. At 10 stacks: use 'westraid skill' to reset cooldowns of peacemaker & aiming shot.
Vaivo 4: fanning final damage +100%
Pistol - bulletmarker
str, dex 177
all stat 32
critical rate 600
RIP +3
RIP cooldown -10s
Mozambique cooldown -10s
Vaivo 1: RIP applies 'freezing bullet' effects
Vaivo 4: get (+1 outrage stack per 1 overheat stack) (max 30 outrage stacks).
Pistol - reiter
str, dex 172
all stat 32
sp recovery 181
additional damage 1815
Vaivo 1: limacon normal-pistol attack +200% damage, and limacon attack speed +40%.
Vaivo 4: attack speed +20% (total: +60% attack speed during limacon).
Mace - priest
SPR 179
all stat 32
sp 1198
sp recovery 593
mass heal +1
Vaivo 1: consume all heal-overload-stacks and cast mass heal to reduce mass heal's cooldown (1 stack = -1s).
Vaivo 2: after mass heal, healing wave x4 around your character (applies same effects as 'heal', 1x wave per 3s).
Mace - chaplain
AoE +5
str, dex, int, spr 145
all stat +32
additional damage 1815
Vaivo 1: binatio% increases based on your additional damage (additional damage x 0.02, max +100% at 50'000 additional damage).
During binatio buff: normal attack range x2.
Vaivo 4: aspergillum skill factor% x1.3
Big Mace
- plague doctor
int 267
all stat 32
critical rate 895
magic crit attack 1875
incineration +3
pandemic size & range +60%
Vaivo 1: pandemic applies black poison & incineration. Pandemic's buff applies +30% magic damage buff per debuff stack (instead of +20%, max 5 stacks).
Pandemic applies 4s 'immobile' debuff. If you change weapon, all debuffs disappear.
Pandemic ignores pandemic skill levels completely and always hits 20 targets (so take level 1 pandemic).
Vaivo 4: black poison final damage +100%
Big mace - inquisitor
str 267
all stat 32
critical rate 895
damage vs plate 1800
god smash +3
god smash size & range +100%
god smash deals x2 hits (2 hits instead of 1)
Vaivo 1: god smash applies +1 stack (8s duration, max 3 stacks). At 3 stacks: you take -50% magic damage and your character becomes bigger (5s). Use breast ripper to consume all stacks (+30% damage for breast ripper).
Vaivo 4: breast ripper cooldown -25s
Big mace - crusader
int, spr 267
con 212
all stat 32
crusader skills +1
Vaivo 1: holy smash cooldown -5s, condemn cooldown -10s.
Vaivo 4: sacred applies 30s buff: holy smash deals +1 hit (damage = % of single-sacred hit x1.6, unaffected by dalia set, max 10 targets).
Big mace - exorcist
int 267
all stat 32
critical rate 895
magic crit attack 1875
katadikazo +2
Vaivo 1: katadikazo applies 20s buff area: deal +20% fire and holy damage inside the area.
After 20s, giant spear drops (neutral magic damage, 1 hit, katadikazo% x 2, max 20 targets).
Buff area disappears faster (and spear drops faster): -1s area x each holy skill or fire skill.
Vaivo 4: rubric final damage +100%
Big mace - Sadhu
int 259
all stat 32
critical rate 900
magic crit attack 1911
sadhu skills +1
Vaivo 1: sadhu spirit stacks maximum +1 (6 instead of 5). Each sadhu skill consumes max 2 stacks (instead of all stacks). All sadhu skills are buffed:
astral explosion: +75% damage,
vashita siddhi: 7.5s stun,
possession: +150% damage.
Vaivo 4: vashita siddhi deals 2 hits (instead of 1).
Trinket - attack all
str, int 98
all stat 32
critical rate 319
accuracy 319
attack vs plant, beast, devil, mutant, insect 2070
Rod - chrono
int 180
spr 179
all stat 32
critical rate 590
quick casting +2
1: damage buff:
3.5% x quickcast level
Time forward affects +2
Vaivo 4: 'slow skill' inflicts damage (slow level x 1200%, 1 hit, max 10 targets, silence debuff: 2s). When slow is on cooldown: slow's cooldown is faster by: (casting time x each finished 'casting time skill') (applies to all skills, all classes). For example, a 2s casting skill makes slow's cooldown 2s faster.
Rod - sorcerer
Magic attack +714
int 169
spr 181
all stat 32
sorcerer skills +1
Vaivo 1: evocation = summon your second demon which will spam all skills (can't be mounted, duration 10s).
Vaivo 4: evocation cooldown -10s.
Rod - cryomancer
int 169
all stat 32
critical rate 593
ice damage +2281
ice pike +3
Vaivo 1: gain +1 stack frozen wind x frozen enemies (max 30 stacks, 30s duration). Shoot frozen wind with normal attack (uses all stacks, ice magic):, damage = ice pike% + (ice pike% x frozen wind stacks x 0.07), AoE = 20, 1 hit. At 30 stacks: frozen wind deals +100% damage and freezes for 4s.
Vaivo 4: ice blast deals x2 hits
Rod - runecaster
int 179
all stat 32
critical rate 593
magic crit attack 1548
rune skills +1
Vaivo 1: runecaster's casting buff max stacks to 5 (20% runecaster skill damage per stack). At 5 stacks: use rock-rune without cooldown (cost: -3 stacks).
Vaivo 4: justice-rune cooldown -15s
Staff - bokor
int 254
all stat 32
critical rate 895
dark damage 1800
damballa +1
Vaivo 1: damballa applies 5s debuff, and during debuff:
+double dark power stacks (+2 instead of +1 per stack).
After 5s: deal x4 hit damage (damballa% x 0.75 per hit).
+20% damage per bokor debuff (max 3 debuffs, +60%).
Vaivo 4: effigy final damage +100%
Staff - psychokino
int 235
all stat 32
critical rate 900
psychokinesis damage 1800
psychic pressure +1
Vaivo 1: gravity pole deals bonus hits: 1x per 0.5s (gravity pole% x 0.5 per hit, not affected by dalia set). When gravity pole finishes, deal gravity pole% x 10 damage (1 hit, max 20 targets).
Vaivo 4: psychic pressure deals x2 hits (instead of 1 hit)
Staff - pyromancer
int, spr 236
all stat 32
critical rate 900
fire pillar +2
fire pillar damage +100%
Vaivo 1: fire pillar drops random small meteors every 0.5s (same damage as fire pillar).
Vaivo 4: flame ground final damage +100%
Staff - shadowmancer
int 267
all stat 32
magic critical attack 2178
damage vs cloth 1800
shadow thorns +2
shadow thorns deals x2 hits
shadow thorns cooldown -5s
Vaivo 1: shadow thorns splashes damage to hit 5 targets.
Vaivo 4: shadow condensation cooldown -15s
Staff - terramancer
int 242
all stat 32
critical rate 832
earth damage 1609
stone shower +2
Vaivo 1: auto-cast stone shower (no cooldown, no sp cost) when sandblast crits (if crit fails, you have 15% to cast stone shower).
Vaivo 4: horned golem x2 hits (instead of 1 hit)
Crown - Relic
Crown is reward from episode 13 final
Crown can go to level 20, gives +10
all stat per level (max +200 all
Crown can take x3 gem types: 1x cyan, 1x magenta, 1x black. You can only upgrade 1 gem per type! If you have 2 gems, you must transfer gem levels (= lose old gem).
Cyan gems: apply special activation effects (need to charge crown with Ektonite from giltine raid to use effects).
Goddess grade cyan:
Legend Grade cyan:
Magenta gems: double special stats.
Goddess |
Legend (trash) |
Hybrid trash gem: Magic attack +1000 per level |
Physical DPS top gem: Physical attack +4000 per level Physical final damage +2% per level |
Physical DPS gem: Physical final damage +1.5% per level |
Magic DPS top gem: Magic attack +4000 per level Magic final damage +2% per level |
Magic DPS gem: Magic attack +3000 per level Magic final damage +1.5% per level |
Healer's top gem: Physical & magic DEF +12'000 per level HP +12'000 per level |
Healer's gem: Physical & magic DEF +4500 per level HP +9000 per level |
Black gems: increase special stats:
Goddess per gem level |
Legend (trash) per gem level |
Healing +360 |
Healing +156 |
HP recovery +426 |
HP recovery +152 |
SP recovery +98 |
SP recovery +72 |
SP +326 |
SP +252 |
Attack vs insect +992 |
Attack vs insect +762 |
Attack vs devil +992 |
Attack vs devil +762 |
Attack vs beast +992 |
Attack vs beast +762 |
Attack vs mutant +992 |
Attack vs mutant +762 |
Attack vs plant +992 |
Attack vs plant +762 |
Fire magic +664 |
Fire magic +510 |
Ice magic +664 |
Ice magic +510 |
Lightning magic +664 |
Lightning magic +510 |
Earth magic +664 |
Earth magic +510 |
Poison magic +664 |
Poison magic +510 |
Neutral magic +664 |
Neutral magic +510 |
Holy magic +664 |
Holy magic +510 |
Dark magic +664 |
Dark magic +510 |
Bow damage +664 |
Bow damage +510 |
Gun damage +664 |
Gun damage +510 |
Cannon damage +664 |
Cannon damage +510 |
Slash damage +664 |
Slash damage +510 |
Strike damage +664 |
Strike damage +510 |
Pierce damage +664 |
Pierce damage +510 |
Additional damage +1246 |
Additional damage +890 |
Gem level
cannot be higher than (Crown level / 2)! Crown's max level = 20, and
gem's max level = 10.
Get gems from relic-gem cube (like from new solo weekly boss reward).
New Art selection interface